Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery
1120 Polaris Pkwy., Suite 120,
Columbus, OH 43240
Laser Hair Removal
Until now, the only options for removing unwanted hair were shaving, waxing, hair-removal creams, tweezing or electrolysis. We are pleased to offer the most recent advance in laser treatment for patients desiring a comfortable, effective way to remove unwanted hair. Laser therapy is a thoroughly tested, clinically proven method of hair removal.
Hair grows in cycles. The laser only affects hair when it is in its early-growth phase. The laser will disable follicles that are actively producing hair at the time of treatment. At any time, some hair follicles are dormant. Repeated sessions will treat these follicles when they re-enter the growth phase.
Treatment is relatively quick and removes unwanted body hair without damaging the surrounding skin. A mild topical anesthesia is applied to the skin to numb the area prior to treatment. The laser emits a beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle. The energy is then transformed into heat, which destroys the follicle.
Visit our plastic / cosmetic surgery office, located in Columbus, Ohio (OH).
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