Akron Dermatology
Akron Dermatology
3085 W Market St

(330) 836-0201

Akron Dermatology offers a full range of medical, surgical, and cosmetic services to help you look and feel your best. Our mission is to provide medical care that will improve the quality and duration of our patients lives. We strive to provide services that are better than expected in every aspect of the care we give.

Dr. Eliot N. Mostow and Dr. James F. Libecco are both board certified Dermatologists and there is a PA-C on staff.


There are many conditions that can be treated in our offices, including
acne itching warts
seborrheic dermatitis hives chronic wounds
herpes cold sores moles
cycts skin cancers hair loss
eczema psoriasis rashes

Copyright 2009
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