Dr. Robert Houser Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Columbus Inc.
Dr. Robert Houser Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Columbus Inc.
495 Cooper Road, Suite 217
Westerville, Ohio 43081
614.467.4278 - Phone
Frequently asked questions about Laser Hair Removal performed in our
Westerville / Columbus, Ohio cosmetic & plastic surgery practice.
Laser Hair Removal FAQs
How does laser hair removal work?
The way the laser works is that the energy produced by the laser is taken up by the pigment/color in the hair shaft. This burns the hair follicles from the inside, stopping hair growth. The darker the hair, the more effective it is. The more contrast between the hair and the surrounding skin, then there is a lessened chance of pigment changes afterward. The laser procedure treats multiple hairs at one time making it ideal for most parts of the body.
What are the benefits of laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a safe, comfortable and effective way to remove unwanted body or facial hair. Patients also love that laser hair removal eliminates razor burn.
How long will each visit take?
Depending on the area being targeted laser hair treatment sessions can last from a few minutes to over an hour in our Westerville / Columbus, Ohio practice.
How many visits are required for laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal systems can only treat active hair follicles. Because hair follicles grow in cycles, most patients require four to six sessions to fully remove the hair, depending on the location, density of hair, and other factors. In some cases, periodic treatments are recommended to maintain the results.
Is laser hair removal painful?
Most patients describe laser hair removal as causing some discomfort or only slight discomfort. In areas of the body that are more sensitive, topical anesthesia is an option.
How is laser hair removal different from electrolysis?
During electrolysis an electric current is used to destroy each individual targeted hair. This makes electrolysis a more time consuming process. Laser hair removal is more efficient, effective and can be completed with less discomfort.
Are there side effects associated with laser hair removal?
Most patients experience little or no side effects. Side effects may include redness and swelling around the hair follicle, hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and hypopigmentation (lightened spots). Most people return to normal activity right away.
Who performs laser hair removal in your practice?
Karen Schenken, R.N. runs our laser hair removal program with physician supervision by Dr. Houser. Her years of experience with the hair removal laser have enable her to do her job very safely and skillfully.
On which areas of the body can laser hair removal be performed?
Laser hair removal is safe to use on the face, neck, abdomen, breasts, underarms, legs, back, bikini line, chin and upper lip.
How can I find out more about laser hair removal?
Call our Columbus, Ohio office at 614.890.5565 for more information on laser hair removal. We will be happy to provide you with more information.
Dr. Robert Houser, board certified plastic surgeon. Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Columbus Ohio Inc. Our Westerville, Ohio office is conveniently located for patients in Columbus, Upper Arlington, Dublin, Worthington, Powell, New Albany, Granville, and all of the Central Ohio / Franklin / Delaware county area.
Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert Houser: Plastic Surgery in Columbus, Ohio. Any information on this website should be used only as general information and should not be considered medical advice. Specific medical advice can only be obtained during a consultation with Dr. Houser.
