Pure M.D. Laser and Cosmetics
4145 Lewis Commons Blvd.
Perrysburg, Ohio 43551
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment inside the hair follicle without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. Because hair cycles through "growth" and "dormant" phases, and because during the "dormant" phase the follicle has no pigment, 5-7 treatments will be needed.The area to be treated is shaved. The size or the area treated will determine the number of laser activations, or "pulses", required.
Hair removal is much faster with a laser as the laser is pulsed about once per second across the surface of the skin. Each "pulse" of laser light disables a large numbers of hair follicles. Electrolysis operators can only treat those hairs that they can see and which they can reach the follicle through the hair shaft. A laser treats any "active" follicle, even if the hair has not yet reached the surface of the skin, or if the hair shaft is not straight.
The number of sessions will vary for each individual. During the initial visit, the laser light disables those follicles in the "active" phase of the growth cycle. Follicles in the "dormant" phase will not be affected. Since follicles cycle through "active" and "dormant" phases, additional sessions may be desired once the "dormant" follicles become "active". For this reason, we recommend a series of three treatments.
How is Laser Hair Removal different from electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a much slower process. With electrolysis a needle is actually inserted into each hair follicle, one at a time. Once inserted, an electric shock burns the follicle to retard hair growth. Laser Hair Removal uses the cool light of the laser to scan the treatment area and within minutes all of the hairs in the laser's beam are treated. Most patients who have had both procedures say that Laser Hair Removal is less painful, faster and more convenient.
What are the benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
• Larger areas may be treated using lasers than with electrolysis, waxing
or tweezing.
• It combines the speed of shaving with the lasting results promised by electrolysis.
• Laser Hair Removal is effective on almost any area of the body where smoother, younger, hair-free skin is desired.
