Plastic Surgery Ohio
Plastic Surgery Ohio
The Eye Center of Columbus
262 Neil Ave., Suite 410
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 221 7464 Ext. 4131
Hair Removal
When body hair is excessive, darker or coarser than you would prefer, or appears in places that make you feel uncomfortable, it’s time to reconsider your hair removal options. Older remedies for unwanted hair include plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis or chemical depilatories. Some of these are downright painful, others are extremely messy, and all offer only temporary solutions to your frustration.
A Very Popular Choice – More Effective & Long Lasting
Laser hair removal is considered a far more effective solution for unwanted hair with long lasting results, and has gained in popularity since first introduced in the late 1990s. In fact, the American Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons estimates that in 2008 over 1.3 million laser hair removal procedures were performed in the United States alone – making laser hair removal the #1 aesthetic laser procedure and second only to Botox.
Ask for LightSheer®
Among laser and light-based devices, LightSheer Diode Laser Systems are clinically proven and highly regarded for providing safety, superior results and patient satisfaction. A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted by the Lightsheer diode laser is well absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. During the procedure, the laser pulses for a fraction of a second long enough to heat up the hair and significantly impede the follicle's ability to regrow. This process also treats numerous hair follicles simultaneously. therefore, Lightsheer is appropriate for treating even the largest areas of the body both quickly and effectively. Demo Video
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