Skin Laser & Medical Spa
Skin Laser & Medical Spa
872 Ohio Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45245

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is the most popular method of hair removal, as well as the most popular medical spa procedure today. SKIN uses the most sophisticated laser currently available to thermally destroy the follicle permanently. Our laser targets the melanin in the hair shaft to delay or stop further growth. Results are achieved after a minimum of at least five visits in order to destroy the follicle during a specific growth phase. Research has shown that laser hair removal is the most cost effective long term method of hair removal on the market today. Once the desired hairless results are achieved, little to no maintenence will ever be needed. This technique is used on all body parts, all SKIN types and all ethnicities. This is a must do procedure for men and women looking to efficiently manage hair growth in obvious as well as inobvious places.

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