The Plastic Surgery Group
The Plastic Surgery Group
1 Plastic Surgery Plaza
4850 Red Bank Expressway
Cincinnati, OH 45227
Laser Hair Removal
A modern alternative to painful and time consuming waxing and shaving is the permanent hair reduction laser. The heat produced by the laser causes permanent changes to the hair follicle. The laser light actually converts to heat as it passes through the upper layer of skin and targets the pigment melanin found in hair follicles. As a result, the hair follicle is prevented from immediately returning.
The Procedure: A laser uses lightwaves that can be controlled with precise intensity and speed of the pulse. In some cases a pattern is drawn on the patient to target specific areas of the body. Following some answers to preliminary health questions, a small area will be tested before larger areas are addressed. The laser is safe, however, protective eyewear is required for both laser technician as well as the patient. Hair thickness and ethnicity play a factor in the effectiveness of the laser.
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