Timeless Skin Solution
Timeless Skin Solution
31 S. High Street,
Dublin, OH
Laser Hair Removal
Laser assisted and light based laser hair removal has been going through a significant evolution over the past five years. At this point in time we may effectively reduce or remove hair for several months to over a year in some individuals. The vast majority of people have reported a reduction, lightening and softening of hairs, as well as a delay in hair regrowth.
Currently, I use the high energy, long pulse Nd: YAG laser and ProWave intense pulsed light to remove hair. The light targets the pigment in the hair follicle. When it comes into contact with the pigment it causes the color to break into miniscule particles. This process causes an expenditure of heat which damages the root of the hair, hence impeding its growth.
Quick facts about laser hair removal
• Age, ethnicity, weight, hormones, diet, medication and metabolism all play a role in the location and thickness of hair on the body. This contributes to the resilience of the hair follicle to destruction with the laser light.
• More than one treatment session is necessary because hair grows in cycles. The laser targets hairs that are in the active growth phase of the cycle. Since some hair follicles may enter their growth cycle after a treatment, multiple treatments may be required to deliver optimal results. I have found that in most cases the best results are achieved in between 4 to 8 sessions, followed by maintenance therapy. Good results are expected but can not be guaranteed.
• Laser hair removal and light assisted hair removal is not permanent. Treatment with the light will eliminate the growth of some hairs and stunt the growth of other hairs. This usually significantly reduces the amount of hair and the thickness of the hair in a treated area.
• Treatment results will vary from patient to patient depending on their skin color, hair color, the thickness and amount of hair and where the hair is located on the body. Because the light targets pigment, people with dark skin run the risk of the skin around the hair losing pigment. This is much less likely with the Cutera Cool Glide laser system than with intense pulsed light.
• The light treatment is minimally uncomfortable. A cooling device attached to the laser, applied to cool the skin prior to the treatment, helps manage the discomfort. My patients tell me that they feel discomfort but no real pain during the procedure. Some areas are more sensitive than others.
• Side effects are rare, but may include redness, swelling, lip numbness, and or pigment changes. Scars may occur but are extremely rare.
• Test sites may be performed prior to treating a large area so the patient has an opportunity to see the potential results before committing to a full treatment session. This is particularly beneficial if the area to be treated is large.
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