Wellness Evolution
Wellness Evolution
At Silver Lake
11890 Kinsman Road
Newbury, OH 44065
440 995 0303
Laser Hair Removal... How it works?
A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The intensity, depth and area covered are all determined by the settings the operator uses on the machine.
The light emitted is well absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles. The laser pulses for a split second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling numerous follicles at a time. This impedes the hair's ability to re-grow. Significantly less hair grows back with each treatment, ultimately resulting in your goal of permanent hair reduction. Because of its need to find pigment, Laser Hair Removal works best on darker hair. Therefore, if you are considering it, don't wait until your hair turns grey to get it done as it will not work.
Lasers that use a cooling device, like our Candela Gentle Yag Laser, will help provide you with increased comfort and protection by cooling the upper layers of the skin with a spray of cryogen a fraction of a second prior to each pulse. Not all lasers utilize a cooling system, so look for one that does for maximum comfort.
Laser Hair Removal requires multiple treatments because hair grows in 3 distinct phases. Each treatment only eliminates the hairs that are in a certain stage of growth. First, the active or growth cycle known as the Anagen phase; next, the dormant cycle called Catagen; and, finally, the shedding cycle known as Telogen. Laser Hair Removal is most effective during the growth or Anagen cycle.
Hair regrowth varies from person to person, therefore, the number of treatments varies from individual to individual. Factors affecting this are your skin color, hair color, coarseness and volume of hair and hair regrowth rate. These factors are taken into account when designing a schedule for optimizing your results.
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